

Power Mentoring (Hardcover) (How Successful Mentors And Proteges Get the Most Out of Their Relationships)
Power Mentoring (Hardcover) (How Successful Mentors And Proteges Get the Most Out of Their Relationships)
저자 : Ensher, Ellen A.|Murphy, Susan E.
출판사 : JohnWiley&SonsInc
출판년 : 2007
ISBN : 9780787979522


There are few career relationships as pivotal as the one with a mentor. This title deals with the under acknowledged significance of mentoring.
[예스24에서 제공한 정보입니다.]


Introduction to Power Mentoring 1(25)
Who Are Our Power Mentors and Proteges? 3(10)
The Changing Career Landscape 13(8)
Overview of the Book 21(5)
The Many Faces of Power Mentoring 26(41)
Classic Versus Contemporary Approaches to Mentoring 28(17)
The Many Types of Power Mentoring 45(19)
Conclusion 64(3)
Mentoring as a Two-Way Street: Benefits of Giving and Receiving 67(35)
Give-and-Take in Power Mentoring Relationships 68(2)
Road Map to This Chapter 70(1)
Meet the Power Mentors and Proteges: Stories of Give-and-Take 71(25)
Summary of Benefits for Proteges and Mentors 96(4)
Conclusion 100(2)
The Mind of the Mentor 102(36)
Mental Models: The Philosophies of Mentoring 105(11)
The Mentor's Attraction to the Protege 116(5)
The Perfect Protege 121(4)
Tests and Challenges 125(11)
Conclusion 136(2)
The Protege's Perspective: How to Get and Keep a Power Mentor 138(37)
Initiation and Attraction 140(2)
Developing Trust in the Mentoring Relationship 142(10)
Identifying a Power Mentor 152(3)
Cultivating the Art of Impression Management 155(2)
Developing a Goal-Oriented Attitude 157(4)
Forming Connection Strategies 161(12)
Conclusion 173(2)
Unlocking the Secrets of Great Power Mentoring Relationships 175(34)
Building Blocks of Effective Relationships 177(13)
Defining Moments 190(6)
Deepening the Mentoring Relationship 196(12)
Conclusion 208(1)
Power Mentoring and You 209(46)
The Relationship Development Plan 210(43)
Conclusion 253(2)
Conclusion: What We Have Learned About Mentoring in Today's Work Environment 255(18)
Turning Everyday Mentoring into Power Mentoring 256(1)
What We Know About Effective Mentoring Relationships 256(4)
What We Are Still Learning About Mentoring Relationships 260(2)
The Lessons of Power Mentoring for Formal Mentoring Programs 262(6)
Getting a Formal Mentoring Program Off the Ground 268(3)
Conclusion 271(2)
Appendix A: The Interviewees 273(30)
Appendix B: Studying Power Mentoring Relationships 303(10)
Notes 313(20)
Acknowledgments 333(6)
The Authors 339(4)
Index 343
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